Towards a New Paradigm of the Smart City Over the past seven years, the smart city concept has changed fundamentally in terms of the approaches that cities or communities have chosen for urban transformation. Driven by technology providers in the early years, governments as leaders of the smart city movement have later understood that technology is “only” the enabler for reaching governmental, economic and societal goals. Today, smart city strategies still consider technology as an enabler, but governments have learned that top-down initiat…
Smart cities are getting more and more attention in the media, from technology companies and entrepreneurs, and increasingly from both local governments and civil society. On one hand, smart cities hold the promise to potentially make the growing number of cities around the globe more efficient, more tech-savvy, more wired–and with all that, they can hopefully improve the quality of life for citizens. I have been studying smart cities since 2011. At the time I conducted a review of early smart initiatives in small and large cities around…
We are happy to held PRTG User Meetup (KopDar PRTG) at Smart City Center, Mangga Dua Square , Jakarta, Indonesia. In the meeting, we have customers and new user of PRTG. We introduced PRTG to new members. We also explain more about how to create Map and Dashboard in PRTG, and API integration. We see a lot of good response from the attendees, and they requested to have this event in other big city in Indonesia. We work together under Indonesian System Integrator and Security Association (ASISINDO) - and Network ID c…
Smart devices, smart buildings, and smart cities: With IoT, the trend is clear that we will be analyzing and monitoring large parts of our personal and community life in the future. As a monitoring company, we follow this process with an alert eye and many projects dealing with the topic of IoT . Designing the City of the Future As we wrote in an earlier blog article , Smart Cities are the urban, technical path of the future and today we would like to show you the urban sensor evaluation of a city like Singapore. Quiet, clean, green -…
PENINGKATAN jumlah penduduk dan beragamnya aktivitas manusia akan sebanding dengan peningkatan sampah di lingkungan sekitar. Menurut perkiraan Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), jumlah sampah pada tahun 2020 di 384 kota di Indonesia mencapai 80.235,87 ton per hari. Salah satu solusi yang saat ini sudah dijalankan di beberapa kota di Indonesia yaitu program bank sampah atau waste bank. Pada umumnya, sistem kerja yang diterapkan bank sampah masih dilakukan secara manual dan belum optimal dari segi peran serta masyarakat. Contohnya…
JAMBI-INDEPENDENT.CO.ID - Memasuki 5 tahun kepemimpinan Walikota Jambi Syarif Fasha, banyak prestasi yang ditorehkan. Mulai dari bidang pendidikan, kesehatan, infrastruktur, ekonomi, sosial budaya dan bidang lainnya. Berbagai penghargaan juga telah diraih. Hal ini menjadi pembahasan pada saat dialog khusus dengan tema "Menakar Capaian Program Pembangunan Kota Jambi Bangkit", Minggu (11/2) di Rumah Dinas Walikota Jambi. Disampaikan Fasha, ada banyak hal yang sudah berubah sejak awal dia menjabat sebagai Walikota Jambi. Mul…
Cities are ever changing - it depends a lot on the dynamic of the social interactions we've built throughout history. It is not hard to see that technology has been playing a critical role in shaping this dynamic that pushes cities to evolve. From the first human settlement around 40,000 years ago in Europe to the first industrial revolution in the 18th century in Britain to today, technological breakthroughs have led to a paradigm shift in our lives. It has impacted the way we build our houses and buildings, the way we get around and tra…
Pemberitaan mengenai World's 10 best cities for digital companies dari Statista muncul di Jakarta Post (, dimana Jakarta menjadi urutan ke 8 dari kota yang kondusif untuk perusahaan startup. Berita ini melegakan, karena artinya Jakarta bisa memberikan iklim atau ekosistem untuk perusahaan startup bermunculan. Perusahaan startup yang umumnya adalah perusahaan atau usaha kecil, dikembangkan atas ide-ide untuk menjawab permasalahan yang muncul, dengan bis…, Bandung - Pemerintah Kota Bandung melakukan penandatanganan kerjasama (MoU) dengan 11 kota/kabupaten di Indonesia terkait aplikasi smart city. 11 Kota/kabupeten tersebut akan mengadopsi aplikasi smart city yang dimiliki Kota Bandung. "Alhamdulillah hari ini kami menandatangani 11 MoU dengan 11 kota kabupaten se-Indonesia. Menambahi total yang sekitar 70-an (kota kabupaten yang bekerjasama). Ini menandakan banyak sekali kota kabupaten yang ingin belajar smart city ke kota Bandung," ujar Wali Kota Bandung Ridwan K…
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