PREDIKSI2020 : Ten charts on the global economy from the McKinsey Global Institute

Ten charts on the global economy from the McKinsey Global Institute

Ten highlights from our 2019 research
Ten highlights from our 2019 research
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Our research suggests that the same old playbook won’t work in an era of increasing disruption. CEOs and leaders will need to be prepared to chart a course to navigate these shifting dynamics—and do so quickly. To become a 21st century company, they must ask themselves ten crucial questions about how they operate in an increasingly complex world:
  • What is our mission and purpose as a company?
  • How far do we go beyond shareholder capitalism? How are we accountable to different stakeholders?
  • Who benefits in our economic success? How?
  • What is the time horizon for managing our economic success and impact?
  • What is our responsibility to our workforce, especially given future-of-work implications?
  • How do we leverage data and technology responsibly and ethically?
  • What are our aspirations for inclusion and diversity?
  • What is our responsibility for societal and sustainability issues involving our business, and beyond our business?
  • What are our responsibilities regarding participants in our platforms, ecosystems, supply and value chains and their impact on society?
  • How should we address the global and local (including national) imperatives and implications of how we compete, contribute, and operate?

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